Workshop: AEPs from Scanning Lidars - Outcome

Wednesday 03 Oct 18
The “RECAST workshop – Scanning lidars for AEPs” took place at DTU Risø campus on the 2nd of October. The purpose of the workshop was to identify and discuss the main barriers to using scanning lidars/Windscanners for wind resource and site assessment. 30 participants took part in the discussions with various perspectives: wind farm developers, wind turbine OEMs, independent advisors, lidar OEMs, and academics.


The slides of the presentations are available below:



The survey pointed out to three main barriers to using WindScanners for AEP estimates:

  • cost
  • complexity
  • acceptance/bankability

Those barriers as well as main benefits expected from using WindScanner for resource and site assessment and wanted changes were discussed in groups. A summary of the discussions outcomes is given in the Minutes.